Need to Store Your Rugs? Here’s What You Need to Know! – Sedona AZ
Sometimes situations arise where we need to roll up our area rugs and put them in storage for a little while. Whether it’s because of moving, remodeling the house, or even because you’ve decided to make a change in the décor of your home, there are some important steps that should be taken before you store your area rug(s). This includes having your rug not only cleaned, but possibly also wrapped in a breathable wrap.
Here at Arizona Oriental & Specialty Rug Care, we always want what is best for our clients’ area rugs. This requires us to do a little investigation as to what exactly the needs of our clients are. As professional rug washers, we need to know what will happen to the area rug when it goes back home.
If there is only a temporary delay in putting the rug back down on the floor and you want to protect your nice, clean area rug in the meantime, we are happy to wrap the rug in plastic free of charge. This is mostly just to keep the dust off of it. Some of my clients who are almost done having their home remodeled but still have dust everywhere opt to have us wrap their rug in plastic while they get the dust cleared away. If you are taking the rug home in the back of a truck, this temporary plastic can be good for helping to protect your clean rug from your dirty truck bed as well.
We always advise our clients that PLASTIC IS ONLY TEMPORARY and rugs should only be stored in plastic for no more than a few weeks.
Delicate wool fibers found in Persian, Oriental, and American Indian rugs need to breathe. A plastic bag will never do for a long-term storage situation for a wool rug because wool holds moisture. Locking moisture and a rug in a plastic bag is a recipe for potential mold growth. So, NEVER PUT A WOOL AREA RUG IN A PLASTIC BACK FOR EXTENDED PERIODS OF TIME! Personally, I’m not a big fan of the practice even for a short term solution, but in some situations it makes sense to wrap the rug in plastic.
For clients who know their rugs will be put into long-term storage, we recommend a breathable, protective wrap. Here at Arizona Oriental, we offer a fantastic wrap that will protect your rug from outside influences and also allow the wool to breathe. Have us at Arizona Oriental clean your rugs for you and let us know if you are planning on putting your rug away in storage for a while.
We can help you protect your area rug from
weather, bugs, dust, etc.
until you’re ready to use your area rug again!
Till next time, enjoy your beautiful art for your floor and remember a clean rug is a rug that can last you a lifetime!
Arizona Oriental & Specialty Rug Care serves Sedona, Prescott, Prescott Valley, and much of the Northern Arizona areas. We meet the highest standards in professional cleaning of area rugs with rug wash specialists having earned the highest training, including certification as WOOLSAFE FIBRE CARE SPECIALISTS through the WOOLSAFE ORGANISATION. Such extraordinary certification ensures the area rugs of our client’s receive the utmost in care.
Call us for information on wrapping rugs for long term storage at 928-445-1718, visit our website at, or stop by Monday through Friday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm at our rug washing facility at 565 EZ Street, Prescott, AZ 86301 (pick-up and delivery also available). (03-23-17).